Friday, May 17, 2013

The Grind

What's up everybody! I've been away for a while again. I have been extremely busy working on some projects and getting things together. Since I last blogged we have performed a few times at some nice venues. On April 24th we performed at The End in Nashville. We don't have any footage of that show up yet but it should be coming soon. Beezy BOS! and K-DA did a performance later that week at Island Breeze CafĂ© in Nashville. Here is a little bit of footage of Beezy's performance of the song Feelin Like A Million.

On May 5th we performed at an artist showcase at The Hard Rock Cafe Nashville that was hosted by King Ryan Events. It was a great opportunity because there was a few judges that actually hold some credibility. Here is our footage from that event.

On the music video side Definition shot part of the Neva Forgotten video that I blogged about last time and just needs a few more shots from X to complete that video. He also shot and edited a video for High Rolla called "Coulda Had It Made" ft. D-Real. Its a killer video with an awesome story line so check it out at the link below.

On top of performances we have been in the studio cooking up some great new tracks and instrumentals that will be dropping soon. We have material coming from K-DA, Beezy BOS!, Skip, X, Sanzio, Sir Preame, Definition, Mac Millionaire, Deuce, myself and a few more artists that have been in the studio grindin it out. Go follow all of these artists on twitter.

Speaking of the studio. We moved things around and redesigned some stuff. It now has a more open and spacious feel. It also just looks better. Here is a pic of hot it currently looks.

Also probably some of the biggest news is that I got an internship for my summer quarter with Clear Channel Radio in Nashville. They have the only major Hip-Hop and R&B station in the Nashville area. They also have a few other stations that are in the building so I will be working with all of them. I am the most excited about working with 101.1 The Beat Jamz because of the hip-hop aspect. I will start sometime in June and be working with them throughout the summer.

This is just a quick rundown of the major things going on. If I had time to break it down this blog would be pages long. Long story short; we got big things happening and plenty of big things to come as well. Yall stay tuned to the blog, and if you're an artist that wants featured on here shoot me an email to

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